Building Vaccine Confidence

This course offers the healthcare provider insight into the concerns of the vaccine hesitant. It offers information on the history, development, and rollout of vaccines; strategies on how to identify and reach out to specific groups; and techniques on how to communicate effectively with the undecided.

What you will learn: This course will arm you with information and strategies enabling you to confidently address the concerns of the vaccine hesitant that you meet.

Strategies for Improving Sleep During Stressful Times

This in-depth course highlights the problems associated with sleep in the healthcare environment and offers, in response, proven techniques for managing stress and improving sleep hygiene.

What you will learn: How to identify and address problematic issues associated with bad sleep hygiene. Throughout the module you will be guided in developing an effective personal sleep action plan.

Supporting Children in Disasters

This course offers insight into the age-specific issues facing children in times of disaster. It teaches how to tend to their emotional and mental needs in periods of uncertainty and stress. The course material draws on experience gained in disasters, both natural and man-made, and includes relevant issues associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

What you will learn: How to understand and serve the needs of vulnerable children who are unable to cope for themselves during times of crisis. You will also gain insight into helping parents and caregivers look after the children and adolescents in their charge.

Self Care for the Professional Healthcare Worker

The goal of this course is to increase the ability of healthcare providers to identify natural emotional responses to crises and learn to manage stress reactions and improve self-care for themselves and among the people they serve.

What you will learn: How to monitor and manage your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing during stressful times.

Resolving Patient Provider Stress Points

This course introduces the concept of the interlinked elements involved in healthcare workplace issues. This includes an overview of client, provider and systems-related stressors that may lead to challenging situations. It defines the significant characteristics of stressed systems, highly distressed patients and temporarily overwhelmed healthcare providers. It offers significant strategies for de-escalating complex workplace situations.

What you will learn: How to effectively deal with and de-escalate workplace problems before they turn into crises.

Psychological First Aid (PFA)

This one and one-half hour PFA course provides introductory information on how and when to offer psychological first aid to people impacted by a traumatic event. It teaches ways to enhance provider care before, during and after a traumatic event.

What you will learn: How to be confident in times of crisis, knowing that you are educated and prepared to meet the urgent needs of those who look to you for assistance and guidance.

Building Resilience While Navigating Grief and Loss

This course offers positive coping skills that will help you to build resilience and navigate the grief process involved in loss and death. The course offers insight into the difference between grief and mourning and teaches why mourning is essential to healing. The material is designed to help the healthcare provider and their clients deal with the death and grieving process, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What you will learn: How to personally deal with grief and loss, and how to offer techniques that promote coping, resilience, and healing in your clients during their periods of grief and mourning.

Stigma and Discrimination in Healthcare Settings

This course dissects stigma and discrimination generally, and in healthcare provision specifically, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The one-hour training offers insight into the roots of the bias that lead to stigma and discrimination in the healthcare workplace and teaches strategies to ensure the provision of equitable healthcare to all.

What you will learn: How to be sensitive to stigma and discrimination in yourself and in the healthcare sector, and how to confidently engage with your clients despite any differences between you.

Caring for Vulnerable Populations in Times of Crisis

This course offers guidance on how health care workers can identify, understand, and strategize effective support for vulnerable populations. It presents insight into their unique social, physical, and mental health concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What you will learn: How to confidently identify vulnerable populations, know their specific vulnerabilities to the COVID-19 pandemic and address and meet their particular healthcare concerns.